Reversing aids
Don't get into a scrape when parking - using a hi-tech reversing aid will help avoid bumps. Here we put 10 of the latest to the test
As we reported in our Inside Story last week (issue 885), cars are growing but parking spaces aren't, making scuffs and scratches almost inevitable. Bad news when bodyshop repairs cost hundreds of pounds...
But with a little electronic help you can squeeze your car into the tightest of spots. Lots of new cars come with the devices, but there's a wide range in the aftermarket if your model missed out at the factory. So which is best? We rigged up 10 and spent a day going backwards to sort the hits from the misses.
At £99, the Quanan, with both audio and visual warnings and near-perfect performance, ticks all the boxes for the DIY motorist and is our Best Buy. For an installed system, the Meta Targa scored well and requires little modification, so it comes second. In third, the Steelmate comb-ined good sensitivity with both warning types anda reasonable fitted price.