Turtle Wax Bug & Tar Remover Wipes
£4.29 - 25 wipes
Wipes start at a disadvantage compared to sprays as there is no time for them to soak in but there is certainly plenty of cleaner on this version.
These require a little more rubbing than the sprays but they do work. More of a problem is the wet finish they leave which really needs a cloth to remove negating the convenience of using wipes.
Gunk 01709 890099 www.granvilleoil.com
Turtle Wax 01695 716610 www.turtlewaxeurope.com
Autoglym 01462 677766 www.autoglym.com
Simoniz 0161 491 7391 www.simoniz.co.uk
Halfords 0845 762 6625 www.halfords.com
CarPlan 0161 764 5981 www.tetrosyl.com