Top of the stops - Braking test - specifications
Brake testing is a complicated business – tyre pressure and condition, the road surface, weather and driver skill all have an effect. To ensure consistent results, our figuring took place in dry conditions, and with two people on board. To set a benchmark, each car recorded standard straight-line emergency stops from 60mph and 70mph. | |
One of the biggest advantages of anti-lock brake systems (ABS) is that you can steer while slowing. So to really put our cars to the test, we included an emergency lane change while stopping from 70mph. | |
Braking commenced at an entry gate, while an obstacle wall was placed two car lengths ahead. The aim of the exercise is to steer around the wall and return to the original lane, as well as coming to a complete halt. | |
This test sounds extreme, but it replicates an emergency motorway manoeuvre. It demonstrates braking performance, a car’s stability, body control, mechanical grip and steering response. | |