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- 132kW 60 Loft 62kWh 5dr Auto
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- 150KW 80 Loft 82KWh 5dr Auto
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- 132kW 60 Lodge 62kWh 5dr Auto
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- 132kW 60 Lodge Nav 62kWh 5dr Auto [100kW]
- 132kW 60 Lounge Nav 62kWh 5dr Auto [100kW]
- 132kW 60 Suite Nav 62kWh 5dr Auto [100kW]
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- 132kW 60 Lounge 62kWh 5dr Auto
- 132kW 60 62kWh 5dr Auto [Lounge]
- 132kW 60 Lounge 62kWh 5dr Auto [120kW]
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- 210kW 85 82kWh 5dr Auto [Lounge]
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- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto
- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto
- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto
- 150kW 60 SE L 63kWh 5dr Auto [Lounge]
- 125kW 50 Edition 55kWh 5dr Auto [Advanced]
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- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Lodge]
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- 132kW 60 Edition 62kWh 5dr Auto [Lounge/Advanced]
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- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 210kW 85 Edition 82KWh 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 132kW 60 Edition 62kWh 5dr Auto [Suite/Advanced]
- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Suite/Advanced]
- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Suite/Advanced]
- 150kW 60 Edition 63kWh 5dr Auto [Suite/Advanced]
- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Suite/Advanced]
- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Suite/Advanced]
- 132kW 60 Edition 62kWh 5dr Auto ecoSuite/Advanced
- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto ecoSuite/Advanced
- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto ecoSuite/Advanced
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- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Lounge/Maxx]
- 150kW 60 Edition 63kWh 5dr Auto [Suite/Maxx]
- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Suite/Maxx]
- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Suite/Maxx]
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- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Lounge/Maxx]
- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Lounge/Maxx]
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- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Suite/Maxx]
- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [Suite/Maxx]
- 210kW 85 Sportline Plus 82kWh 5dr Auto
- 210kW 85 Sportline Plus 82kWh 5dr Auto
- 150kW 80 Sportline Plus 82kWh 5dr Auto
- 210kW 85x Sportline Plus 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto
- 210kW 85x Sportline Plus 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto
- 150kW 80 Sportline Plus 82kWh 5dr Auto
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- 210kW 85 Edition 82kWh 5dr Auto [ecoSuite/Maxx]
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- 150KW 80 Loft 82KWh 5dr Auto [Plus]
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- 150kW 80 Sportline Plus 82kWh 5dr Auto [Advanced]
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- 150KW 80 Suite 82KWh 5dr Auto [Plus]
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- 150KW 80 ecoSuite 82KWh 5dr Auto [Plus]
- 210kW 85 Sportline Plus 82kWh 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 210kW 85 Sportline Plus 82kWh 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 150kW 80 Sportline Plus 82kWh 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 195kW 80x Sportline Plus 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto [Maxx]
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- 210kW 85x Sportline 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 210kW 85 Laurin + Klement 82kWh 5dr Auto
- 210kW 85 Laurin + Klement 82kWh 5dr Auto
- 150kW 80 Sportline Plus 82kWh 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 210kW 85x Sportline Plus 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 210kW 85x Sportline Plus 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 195kW 80x Sportline Plus 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto [Maxx]
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- 250kW vRS 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto
- 220kW vRS 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto
- 250kW vRS 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto
- 210kW 85 Laurin + Klement 82kWh 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 210kW 85 Laurin + Klement 82kWh 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 220kW vRS 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto [Advanced]
- 250kW vRS 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto [Advanced]
- 220kW vRS 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto [Advanced]
- 250kW vRS 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto [Advanced]
- 220kW vRS 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 250kW vRS 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 220kW vRS 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto [Maxx]
- 250kW vRS 82kWh 4x4 5dr Auto [Maxx]
Doors | 5 |
Transmission | Auto |
Fuel Type | Electric |
Engine Capacity - CC | 1 |
Trim | Loft [Plus] |
Price | £50,245 |
Battery Capacity | 82 |
Engine Power - BHP | 204 |
Acceleration | 8.5 |
Top Speed | 99 mph |
Length | 4653 mm |
Width | 1879 mm |
Height | 1617 mm |
Luggage Capacity (Seats Up) | 570 l |
Minimum Kerbweight | 2044 kg |
Driver Convenience
- 13" touchscreen display
- Adaptive cruise control
- Blind Spot Detection (BAS)
- Bluetooth system
- Drive mode selector
- Driver alert system
- E-call
- Electrically operated tailgate with kick activation (virtual pedal)
- Electronic engine sound
- Exterior temperature indicator
- Front and rear parking sensors
- Gesture control
- Power assist steering
- Rear view camera
- Satellite navigation system
- Skoda Connect iV remote services with charging, air conditioning and smart schedules
- Speed limiter
- Tailgate unlocking from outside
- Traffic jam assist
- Travel assist with emergency assist, lane assist plus with narrow lane assist and urban evasive steering support
- Virtual cockpit
- Voice control system
- Washer fluid level indicator
- Wi-Fi hotspot
- Wireless charging
- Wireless smartlink
- 135 kW DC charging
- 6m mode 3 cable (32A)
- 8 speakers
- DAB Digital radio
- USB C port x 2 in rear
- USB-C ports (charging + data)
Exterior Features
- Auto dimming rear view mirror
- Body colour bumpers
- Body colour door mirrors and handles
- Chrome side window surrounds
- Door moulding light in multiple colours
- Electric adjustable heated folding door mirrors with boarding spots and welcome logo
- Electric front and rear windows
- Full LED Matrix beam headlights with variable light distribution
- Full LED rear lights with variable lighting functions
- Headlight washers
- Heat insulating darkened glass in side and rear windows
- Heat insulating glass in windshield
- Heated rear window
- Heated washer nozzles
- LED daytime running lights
- LED third brake light
- Light assistant (coming home/tunnel light)
- Panoramic sunroof
- Privacy glass and acoustic side windows
- Radiator grille frame in matt black with chrome strip
- Rain and light sensors
- Rear side wing doors
- Rear spoiler
- Safety reflectors on front and rear doors
- Tow bar preparation
Interior Features
- 12V socket in boot
- 2-spoke leather heated sports multi-function steering wheel with paddles for recuperation level selection
- 3 rear headrests
- 3 seat bench in 2nd row
- 4 foldable roof handles with rear coat hooks
- 60:40 foldable rear seat with sliding adjustment and backrest angle adjustment
- Boot lighting
- Coat hooks on B pillar
- Driver's electric adjustable lumbar support
- Electrically adjustable driver seat with memory function
- Front and rear footwell lighting
- Front and rear height adjustable headrests
- Front centre armrest with storage
- Front courtesy lights
- Front reading lights
- Heated front seats
- Height adjustable front passenger seat
- High centre console with armrest
- Interior door handle lighting in front and rear
- Isofix child seat fittings in outer rear seats with top tether
- Isofix child seat preparation for front passenger seat
- Laminated soft-touch plastic knee rest
- LED ambient lighting
- Manual lumbar support for front passenger seat
- Manual rear window blind
- Manually adjustable steering column
- Parcel shelf - folding
- Pollen filter
- Rear reading lights
- Single front passenger seat
- Sliding boot cover
- Sunvisors with illuminated vanity mirrors
- Tri zone climate control
- Umbrella in door panel
- Loft design pack - Enyaq
Passive Safety
- 3 point height adj front seatbelts + pretensioners
- Auto door release and activation of warning lights in the event of an accident
- Central interaction airbag
- Crew protection assist
- Driver and front passenger airbags
- Front and rear three point safety belt on all seats
- Front assist with assisted automatic braking
- Front disc brakes
- Front passenger airbag deactivation switch
- Front side airbags with curtain airbags
- Power child locks
- Rear drum brakes
- Rear side airbags
- Single tone horn
- Tyre pressure monitor
- Visual and acoustic seat belt reminder
- Warning lights in front doors
- Anti theft alarm system with interior monitoring, backup horn and towing protection
- Keyless entry and start/stop system advanced
- Remote central locking with SAFE system
- Anti-theft wheel bolts protection
- Tyre repair kit with compressor
Electric Vehicle Data
Battery Capacity % guaranteed under warranty | 70 |
Battery Capacity in kWh | 82 |
Battery Charging Scenario 1 - Charge Time (Mins) | 2340 |
Battery Charging Scenario 1 - Percentage Change | 0-100 |
Battery Charging Scenario 1 - Power Supply - kW | 2.3 |
Battery Charging Scenario 2 - Charge Time (Mins) | 780 |
Battery Charging Scenario 2 - Percentage Change | 0-100 |
Battery Charging Scenario 2 - Power Supply - kW | 7.2 |
Battery Charging Scenario 3 - Charge Time (Mins) | 70 |
Battery Charging Scenario 3 - Percentage Change | 0-80 |
Battery Charging Scenario 3 - Power Supply - kW | 50 |
Battery Charging Scenario 4 - Charge Time (Mins) | 29 |
Battery Charging Scenario 4 - Percentage Change | 0-80 |
Battery Charging Scenario 4 - Power Supply - kW | 135 |
Battery Leased | No |
Battery Type | Lithium-ion |
Charging Port Location | Right Side Rear |
Coupler/Connector Type | CCS Type 2 |
Maximum Charging Rate - kW | 135 |
Standard manufacturers Battery warranty - Mileage | 100000 |
Standard manufacturers Battery warranty - Years | 8 |
Usable Battery Capacity | 77 |
WLTP - EC (kWh/100km) - Comb | 15.4 |
WLTP - EC (kWh/100km) - Comb - TEH | 16.4 |
WLTP - EC (kWh/100km) - Comb - TEL | 15.3 |
WLTP - EC (miles/kWh) - Comb | 4 |
WLTP - EC (miles/kWh) - Comb - TEH | 3.8 |
WLTP - EC (miles/kWh) - Comb - TEL | 4 |
WLTP - Pure Electric Range (km) - City | 707 |
WLTP - Pure Electric Range (km) - City - TEH | 670 |
WLTP - Pure Electric Range (km) - City - TEL | 707 |
WLTP - Pure Electric Range (km) - Comb | 555 |
WLTP - Pure Electric Range (km) - Comb - TEH | 526 |
WLTP - Pure Electric Range (km) - Comb - TEL | 556 |
WLTP - Pure Electric Range (miles) - City | 439 |
WLTP - Pure Electric Range (miles) - City - TEH | 416 |
WLTP - Pure Electric Range (miles) - City - TEL | 440 |
WLTP - Pure Electric Range (miles) - Comb | 345 |
WLTP - Pure Electric Range (miles) - Comb - TEH | 327 |
WLTP - Pure Electric Range (miles) - Comb - TEL | 345 |
Emissions - ICE
Engine and Drive Train
Engine capacity (cc) | 1 |
Compression Ratio | [not available] |
Gears | 1 SPEED |
Transmission | AUTO |
Generation Mark | 1 |
Insurance Group 1 - 50 Effective January 07 | 26E |
Manufacturers Corrosion Perforation Guarantee - Years | 12 |
Manufacturers Paintwork Guarantee - Years | 3 |
NCAP Adult Occupant Protection % | 94 |
NCAP Child Occupant Protection % | 89 |
NCAP Overall Rating - Effective February 09 | 5 |
NCAP Pedestrian Protection % | 71 |
NCAP Safety Assist % | 82 |
Service Interval Frequency - Months | 24 |
Service Interval Mileage | 999999 |
Standard manufacturers warranty - Mileage | 60000 |
Standard manufacturers warranty - Years | 3 |
Vehicle Homologation Class | M1 |
0 to 62 mph (secs) | 8.5 |
Engine Power - BHP | 204 |
Engine Torque - NM | 310 |
Top Speed | 99 mph |
Test Cycles
RDE Certification Level | N/A |
Space Saver? | No |
Tyre Size Front | 235/55 R19 |
Tyre Size Rear | 255/50 R19 |
Tyre Size Spare | TYRE REPAIR KIT |
Wheel Style | PROTEUS |
Wheel Type | 19" ALLOY |
Vehicle Dimensions
Height | 1617 mm |
Length | 4653 mm |
Wheelbase | 2765 mm |
Width | 1879 mm |
Width (including mirrors) | 2148 mm |
Weight and Capacities
Gross Vehicle Weight | 2750 kg |
Luggage Capacity (Seats Down) | 1610 l |
Luggage Capacity (Seats Up) | 570 l |
Max. Loading Weight | 706 kg |
Max. Roof Load | 75 |
Max. Towing Weight - Braked | 1200 |
Max. Towing Weight - Unbraked | 750 |
Minimum Kerbweight | 2044 kg |
No. of Seats | 5 |
Turning Circle - Kerb to Kerb | 11 m |
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