Philip's Motoring Atlas Britain 2006
Price: £10.99 Main scale/size: 3 miles per inch (mpi)/A3
Average sums up the overall feel of Philip's mid-priced A3 production. At 192 pages it was a reasonable six pence per page, and the three miles per inch scale was on a par with most of its rivals, although two of the target villages we were looking for had part of their roads missing. Aimed at the touring motorist, the atlas features 16 pages of National Trust properties located in England, Scotland and Wales, plus all the major ports and even a section dedicated to northern France. There was plenty of information, although it was a shame that the motorway junctions didn't feature fully detailed slip road layouts. The 63 town centre plans and additional approach maps were clearly drawn and were a good enough size to be useful, although they didn't come with an index to cross-reference to.