30 money saving tips to get your car ready for winter
Our money saving guide to winter motoring
Will it be fireside or roadside for you this winter? Will you become one of the thousands of motorists who ends up stranded on the hard shoulder or kerb? If you drive into winter like it is any other season, chances are you’ll become just another breakdown, or even worse, an accident statistic.
But spend a little time and money making sure your car is up to the job and you could be the one safely at home warming by the fire.
We've compiled everything you need to know about preparing for winter, and the kit that can help you get through to next spring.
And this year, when many of us are hanging on to our cars longer, these vital jobs are even more important, as older vehicles are more prone to problems when the temperatures drop.
* Auto Best Buy 0845 009502 autobestbuy.co.uk
* Autoform (Roof Box Company) 01539 621884 www.roofbox.co.uk
* Autoglym 01462 677766 www.autoglym.com
* AutoSock 01539 621884 www.autosock.co.uk
* Bilt-Hamber 01277 658899 www.bilthamber.com
* Boot Buddy 01299 822230 www.boot-buddy.com
* Bosch 01299 251130 www.wiperblades.co.uk
* Bound Tree Medical 0800 011 2999 www.boundtree.co.uk
* CarPlan 0161 764 5981 www.carplan.co.uk
* Collinite 01353 676007 www.shipshapenorfolkltd.co.uk
* Comma 01474 564311 www.commaoil.com
* Continental 01895 425900 www.conticomfortkit.co.uk
* CTEK 01380 722621 www.ctek.com
* Garmin 023 8052 4000 www.garmin.com
* Griffin www.griffintechnology.com
* Halfords 0845 762 6625 www.halfords.com
* Hatchbag 0800 169 2464 www.hatchbag.co.uk
* Holts 0161 491 7391 www.holtsauto.com
* Kamasa 01926 815000 www.lasertools.co.uk
* Mer 01992 512698 www.merproducts.com
* Michelin 0800 731 4973 www.michelin.co.uk
* Philips 01293 776774 www.philips.com
* Puratise 01488 689400 www.saxon-brands.com
* Ring 0113 213 2000 www.ringautomotive.co.uk
* Smartnav 0870 050 3000 www.smartnav.com
* Sonax 01252 702234 www.sonax.com
* TomTom 0845 161 0009 www.tomtom.com
* Turtle Wax 01695 716610 turtlewaxeurope.com
* WD-40 01908 555400 www.wd40.co.uk